Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Quick Update

Hi Everyone,
I must apologize for not having posted anything sooner, things have been busy here and I have a daughter who is sick and the Dr's can't figure out why. We have an appointment mid July with a specialist to discuss exploratory surgery so hopefully he will figure out what is going on. Since January she has been having pain in her stomach in the exact location of her appendix however blood work, CAT Scan, MRI, ultrasound, etc, etc all show it is not her appendix. It is frustrating as she has all the symptoms of appendicitis... low grade fever, pain, nausea etc. and from February 1, to the beginning of June she probably missed at least a minimum of 20 days of school. She is not in pain all the time, some weeks she is fine, other weeks she is in pain every two or three days. On Monday she was lying in the driveway on the pavement waiting for me to get out to the car to take her to the hospital. The Dr once again wanted to just give her pain med and send her home but I put my foot down and refused to leave as that is all they have been doing the last few times we were there. I indicated that sending her home was just passing the buck to the next Dr and that I wanted to see the specialist we saw back in April who had some suggestions on where to go next if her tests all came back negative. (So after getting the referral, I drove straight to his office and spoke to his secretary who informed me that there was a note on my daughters file at the hospital that he was to be called if she came in again....which they never did.) So she has an appointment mid July with this specialist when he gets back on holidays and hopefully we will get some direction or a solution.
Anyway, I hope to be getting back to posting this coming weekend and move forward on my School Adventure Kit. I've missed designing and everyone here.