I've named my evening "My Adventure" for lack of better words. I was going to go visit my daughter this past weekend in
Sudbury but decided against it due to not feeling well with my Kidney infection... going to the hospital for IV antibiotics kind of put a damper on that idea along with the
nausea etc. Anyway around 3 yesterday I decided yes.... I will go for a quick visit as I did promise her I'd bring her a few things from home and I had bought her dogs some duck treats so Alexandra and I headed off for the hour and little bit drive... when I got there all I wanted to do was lay down and rest but we picked up dog food and went to Costco's for water bottles I had wanted and brownies for Alexandra's pot luck lunch today... went back to Tanya's place and crashed on her chair outside, she
BBQ'd steak and grilled up some peppers with olive oil and
Montreal steak spice.... really really good. We went home shortly after that as I did not want to stay too long, and drive back in the dark. There are plenty of deer and moose hit between North Bay and
Sudbury....I did not want to be the next who hit a deer...(I had already backed up into the neighbor this month and dented the trunk)
So, we are almost home, my back is killing me on both sides... felt like I'd been sucker punched, my head ached and I wanted to go to bed. Up ahead (way ahead) I can see a car steer off the road, and park on the shoulder. I drove past as I had not seen any problems but I do look back and see that the fount end of the vehicle has been torn off. I turn around about 100 feet past them and come back to see if they need help. Turns out this older couple, hit a deer, had no cell phone, spoke only a little bit of English and were on their first holiday in 20 years. I felt badly for them and we called the police who called the tow truck and we waited with them until the Provincial Police arrived. The officer was not in the mood to be very helpful it seemed,... oh the tow truck company will drive you into town... I don't have room in my car....etc etc... Needless to say I wouldn't want my parents stuck at the side of the road with no assistance so I stayed and drove them into town, showed them where the car dealership was where there car would be fixed the next day, asked what kind of motel/hotel they were hoping to stay in, drove them to a small family owned motel, helped them get a room. They were so happy and kept asking how they could thank us, I said the words thank you were enough... and if my husband and I were ever in Montreal they could buy us a coffee. (They own a small coffee shop in Montreal). We exchanged addresses and said our goodbye's and Alex & I arrived home about two hours later than expected. I was sore and tired but felt good about our evening adventure.
I would like to think that more people than just myself would have been just as kind to two strangers on holidays who spoke little English in a town they didn't know. I know the reality is that very few though would have which is sad. So, I'd like to ask that if you can do someone even a small kindness, family or stranger.... please take the time to be nice to them. You never know what it could mean to them and you never know when you could be in a similar situation.
Okay, so on to the freebie... I hope you enjoy the numbers tonight. I will be back with the Grade 6 Papers tomorrow.

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